My Collections of Original Indonesian Recipes...

I just want to give you a big welcome...

In this blog i dedicate to give you the best of Original Indonesian Recipes...

Indonesian food comes from many sources of ingredients and spices, from various kinds of chillies, ginger, shallot, turmeric to coconut milk. Combining those natural spicy ingredients provides you unique dishes from Indonesia, the islands of spices...

To All food lovers, I really encourage you to try the taste of Indonesian foods, most of them are spicy and have exotic tastes you've never experienced before, I'm serious...
They're really worth trying... :)

Ayam Bakar Solo (Solo Grilled Chicken )

Ingredients :

1 Javanese (Indonesian) cock, cut into two without splitting it.

30 ml Oil, for stir frying

1 1/2 lt Water

10 g Garlic, chopped

20 g Shallots, chopped

Ingredients A

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp MSG (Optional)

1 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

2 tbsp lime juice

Ingredients B:

2 stalks Lemongrass, crushed

20 g Galangal, crushed

5 lime leaves, remove the leaves' bones

Ingredients C:

1 1/2 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp salt

2 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

1 tsp MSG (optional)

1/4 tsp pepper

5 tsp sugar

3 tbsp Javanese Palm Sugar (Gula Jawa or Gula Merah)

6 tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce (Kecap Manis)

Smearing Ingredients:

Sweet Soy sauce (Sweet Ketchup or Kecap Manis) to taste

Margarine to taste

Sauce (Sambal) :

30 ml oil, for stir frying

3 tbsp Javanese Palm Sugar (Gula Jawa or Gula Merah)

1 tsp salt

2 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

1 tbsp Sugar

1/2 tsp MSG

1/4 tsp Pepper

Grind Ingredients:

50 g Curly Red Chili

20 g Shallot

1 Tomato

1 1/2 tsp Shrimp Paste (belacan / terasi), roasted

How To:

1. Wash the chicken, smear with Ingredients A.

2. Leave for 15 minutes and make sure the ingredients are absorbed.

3. Stir fry garlic and shallot until fragrant. Add in Ingredients B and stir well.

4. Pour the water, cook to boil. Add the chicken and Ingredients C, stir.

5. Cook until the seasoning (ingredients) is absorbed and water shrinks. Remove and put in a cool place.

6. Grill while smeared with the Smearing Ingredients. Remove and serve with sauce.

7. For The Sauce (Sambal) : Stir fry the Grind Ingredients until fragrant. Add the rest of the Sauce (Sambal) Ingredients and stir well. Cook to boil and thicken.

Chicken Broth Powder

Recipe is Adapted From:
Masakan Ayam Populer by Chendhawati ( Ny. Liem Cooking School, Bandung )

Image source:

Riau Province Gulai Blacan (Shrimp Curry)

When you see the word "Gulai" in Indonesian Dish, it's usually translated into Curry. But don't imagine that the dish always uses turmeric as traditional curry does.

Indonesian Curry dishes that use turmeric should be called "Kari". But "Gulai" dishes don't always use turmeric, as shown in the recipe below.

10 large shrimp, cleanded

1 bunch petai (stinking beans), peeled

1 tbsp Java Tamarind

1 tbsp sugar

500 ml coconut milk

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

3 tbsp cooking oil


6 shallots

4 cloves garlic

6 pcs pecan

6 pcs red chili

6 pcs bird's eye chili

How To:

1. Heat the oil.

2. Stir fry blended ingredients until fragrant and cooked.

3. Add shrimps, continue to fry until the shrimps change color.

4. Add coconut milk, Java tamarind water, sugar, salt and pepper.

5. Cook to boil and until the solution thicken.

6. Add Petai (Stinking Beans), stir well, and dish up.

Serves 6

Recipe source:

Image source:

Gulai Pepaya Muda ( Young Papaya Curry )


2 tbsp cooking oil

1 stalk lemongrass, use the white part and crushed

2 lime leaves

250 gr medium-size fresh shrimp, remove the head

1 liter of coconut milk from 1 coconut fruit

500 gr young papaya, peeled, cut into 1 × 1 x 2 cm, squeeze them with a little salt until tender, drain

100 gr string beans, cut into 3 cm

2 pcs of Asam Kandis
Asam kandis is a dark sun-dried slices fruit, related to mangosteen. Asam kandis and asam gelugor is a family of Garnicia, but they are difference in species. Asam Kandis is Garnicia globulosa which is cultivated in Indonesia and Malaysia. It bears grapefruit-size fruits whose sweet pulp is eaten raw.
If Asam Kandis is not available in your location, you can try use Kokum (Garcinia Indica) instead which you can find at your local Indian/Pakistan/Caribbean grocery store.

10 petai fruit (stinking beans), cross section 1 cm

75 gr Young Belinjo / Melinjo leaves. If you can't find them, use Kohlrabi as substitute,it tastes almost like melinjo.

Grind Spices:

5 shallots

2 cloves garlic

4 red chilies

2 cm ginger

1 tsp salt

1 tsp coriander, panbroiled

1/4 tsp cumin, panbroiled

1/2 tsp pepper grain, panbroiled

How to:

1. Heat oil and saute finely spices, lemon grass, lime leaves until fragrant

2. Add the shrimp, stir until shrimp changes color

3. Pour coconut milk, stir to boil.

4. Add papaya and string beans, cook until vegetables are tender

5. Add remaining ingredients, wait until all of them are cooked well.

6. Serve

For 6 servings.

Recipe & image source:


Banten Province Exotic Recipe : Rabeg ( Goat / Lamb Innards Spicy Soup)

Do you eat innards dishes ? If you don't then you should try, yes they're too delicious too miss :)

In my humble opinion as long as you don't eat this dish too often and too much, it shall be no problem to your health. But Yes I admit the dish is quite addictive, so be careful :)


300 g goat or lamb meat, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb lung, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb intestines, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb liver, cut into small pieces

800 ml water

10 shallots, sliced thinly

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

½ tsp pepper powder

2 cm ginger, crushed

4 tbsp soy sauce

½ tsp tamarind

1 tbsp salt

How To:

1. Put all the ingredients into the pan except water, stir & cook until the meat changes color.

2. Pour ¼ of the water, stir, cook until dry.

3. Slowly add the remaining water little by little into 4 sequences over a low heat until tender and the seasoning is fully absorbed.

4. Serve while hot with emping crackers and hot rice.

Serves 6

I have another Indonesian Exotic Innards dish recipe that's very unique and highly recommended, It's Coto Makassar

Recipe source:

Image source: