Banten Province Exotic Recipe : Rabeg ( Goat / Lamb Innards Spicy Soup)

Do you eat innards dishes ? If you don't then you should try, yes they're too delicious too miss :)

In my humble opinion as long as you don't eat this dish too often and too much, it shall be no problem to your health. But Yes I admit the dish is quite addictive, so be careful :)


300 g goat or lamb meat, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb lung, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb intestines, cut into small pieces

300 g goat or lamb liver, cut into small pieces

800 ml water

10 shallots, sliced thinly

4 cloves garlic, thinly sliced

½ tsp pepper powder

2 cm ginger, crushed

4 tbsp soy sauce

½ tsp tamarind

1 tbsp salt

How To:

1. Put all the ingredients into the pan except water, stir & cook until the meat changes color.

2. Pour ¼ of the water, stir, cook until dry.

3. Slowly add the remaining water little by little into 4 sequences over a low heat until tender and the seasoning is fully absorbed.

4. Serve while hot with emping crackers and hot rice.

Serves 6

I have another Indonesian Exotic Innards dish recipe that's very unique and highly recommended, It's Coto Makassar

Recipe source:

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