Ayam Bakar Solo (Solo Grilled Chicken )

Ingredients :

1 Javanese (Indonesian) cock, cut into two without splitting it.

30 ml Oil, for stir frying

1 1/2 lt Water

10 g Garlic, chopped

20 g Shallots, chopped

Ingredients A

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp pepper

1/2 tsp MSG (Optional)

1 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

2 tbsp lime juice

Ingredients B:

2 stalks Lemongrass, crushed

20 g Galangal, crushed

5 lime leaves, remove the leaves' bones

Ingredients C:

1 1/2 tsp coriander powder

1 tsp salt

2 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

1 tsp MSG (optional)

1/4 tsp pepper

5 tsp sugar

3 tbsp Javanese Palm Sugar (Gula Jawa or Gula Merah)

6 tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce (Kecap Manis)

Smearing Ingredients:

Sweet Soy sauce (Sweet Ketchup or Kecap Manis) to taste

Margarine to taste

Sauce (Sambal) :

30 ml oil, for stir frying

3 tbsp Javanese Palm Sugar (Gula Jawa or Gula Merah)

1 tsp salt

2 tsp Chicken Broth Powder

1 tbsp Sugar

1/2 tsp MSG

1/4 tsp Pepper

Grind Ingredients:

50 g Curly Red Chili

20 g Shallot

1 Tomato

1 1/2 tsp Shrimp Paste (belacan / terasi), roasted

How To:

1. Wash the chicken, smear with Ingredients A.

2. Leave for 15 minutes and make sure the ingredients are absorbed.

3. Stir fry garlic and shallot until fragrant. Add in Ingredients B and stir well.

4. Pour the water, cook to boil. Add the chicken and Ingredients C, stir.

5. Cook until the seasoning (ingredients) is absorbed and water shrinks. Remove and put in a cool place.

6. Grill while smeared with the Smearing Ingredients. Remove and serve with sauce.

7. For The Sauce (Sambal) : Stir fry the Grind Ingredients until fragrant. Add the rest of the Sauce (Sambal) Ingredients and stir well. Cook to boil and thicken.

Chicken Broth Powder

Recipe is Adapted From:
Masakan Ayam Populer by Chendhawati ( Ny. Liem Cooking School, Bandung )

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