* 1 pumpkin, chop into small dices
* 10 green chilies, finely chop
* 150g string beans, chop into 5 cm size
* 10 salam leaves
* 4 cabbage leaves, chop into pieace
* 100 g shrimp
* 10 shallots, slice
* 2 cloves garlic, slice
* 4 cup coconut milk
* 4 cup water
* 1 tsp salt
- Boil coconut milk in a sauce pan.
- Add pumpkin, shallots, garlic and salam leaves, bring to boil.
- Add grenn chilies, string beans, cabbage leaves, shrimp and salt, cook until all the ingredients are cooked.
"Authentic Recipes from Indonesia (Authentic Recipes Series)"

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